Jul 25Liked by Alex Marshall

Remember, JD Vance would only become VP, and historically, VP's ideas are ignored. But why are we even having this discussion?

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John, I always look forward to your intelligent, thoughtful conments. As well as humorous ones. We will see about JD. If he is like most vice-presidents, assuming Trump wins, he will have no power at all and very little influence.

How was it seeing the Republicans and Trump romp in your city, that you led as mayor for four terms, 16 years?

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Regarding the cobbler/soldier, his fondness for his wartime experiences, despite the danger, risk, and hardship, reminded me of a recent podcast I listened to about Jay Dobyns, an ATF agent, infiltrating the Hells Angels. When he was on break and back at home with his wife and kids he was always pining to go back to back to be with the Angels, kidding, joking, and impersonating a bad guy. It gave meaning to his life and it was an adreniline rush. At home he was somewhat bored and listless. I think that it is common to experience these intense emotional experiences with fondness, at least in retrospect, as odd as it seems.

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Yes perhaps it’s like childbirth, although obviously that is not something I personally know about. You remember the good stuff and forget the bad. More like being a combat reporter. You get adicted to the adrenalin rush. Although, in the case of rifleman Harris, he clearly did remember being left for dead on the side of the road, starving, and other hardships.

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I am astounded by your comment that you would be more happy than unhappy should Vance be vice-president. So you support Project 2025 and the MAGA agenda just because he has some populist economic ideas that probably won't get implemented though tax cut extensions to the wealthy and corporations will. Furthermore, what about reproductive rights for your wife and daughter and other women in your life. Vance is far from a Social Democrat and your statement belies your belief that you are as well.

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Did you miss the “If” in what I wrote, Adam? I said if Trump is elected, I would be happier that Vance is his vice president. I did not say I supported Trump being elected.

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I didn’t miss the if and I recognize that you don’t support Trump but I loathe the hypocrite MAGA lackey Vance despite his economic populist ideas that may align with Warren’s at times. Perhaps your having read his book, your status as a fellow writer, or your recent expatriotism have blinded you to the realities of this very dangerous ideologue. Or perhaps you’re a lot more conservative than I thought you to be.

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Well, I actually may be more liberal than you Adam. But those are just labels.

I try to avoid being gaslighted by anyone, including myself. Passion is necessary in politics, but it also clouds the judgment. I would avoid terms like “hypocrite MAGA lackey” because I think they cloud the judgment. Personally, I don’t think Vance is a hypocrite. I think he is a true convert. Which makes him scarier. He’s a smart guy and has a whole package of ideas that he wants to see enacted. Wall Street is scared of him. That says something. But as I said, in the essay, he is willing to go to the dark side of the force and for that I oppose him.

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Wall Street may oppose him but Silicon Valley

is trying to anoint him. I wonder what that says about capitalism and different business interests. He may be a true believer and as you say perhaps his conversion is scarier. In any case, glad you are using your absentee ballot in favor of Harris and make sure that Max can vote in PA.

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Hi Alex,

You admire JD Vance's demonstration of bipartisanship in supporting some of Senator Liz Warren's banking reforms. You also admire his intelligence. Both attributes are rare in today's Republican Party.

As to thieving bank executives I'm reminded of the story of the glass eyed banker. His glass eye was so realistic you couldn't tell which eye was real. Finally, someone asked his wife and she said,"That's easy, the glass eye is the one with the glint of human kindness".

Back to JD: Yes he's smart and nice to see he agrees with Warren on something, but his dark side embrace of Trump's 2020 election lies and bigotry in pursuit of power suggest he could end up being Trump's Albert Speer.

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